Santa Clara Dentist Answers Commonly Asked Dental Questions

Posted on: August 1, 2016

Santa Clara DentistAs a Santa Clara dentist, we understand the importance and value of education.  We do our best to educate our patients because an informed patient is better equipped to remain in good oral health in between visits to our office.  As such, we take the time to answer questions during appointments and find that many of our clients wonder about the same things.  Here are our answers to some commonly asked questions.

Can I keep my broken tooth?

Typically, yes.  We have multiple ways to save and restore a tooth that has been cracked or chipped.  By using a restoration like a dental veneer or a dental crown, we can prevent a damaged tooth from needing to be pulled.  This is the best case scenario because when a tooth is pulled or falls out that can harm the jaw bone later on.  It is important, however, to come in as soon as you can so that whatever damage you have doesn’t have the opportunity to get worst.

Will my dental treatment hurt?

Not when you visit our office.  We offer sedation dentistry so that whether you have dental anxiety or want pain medication for a major procedure, we can help.  It is important to us that our patients can relax and feel comfortable when visiting our office.  As a Santa Clara dentist, we understand that when our patients feel great they will be more likely to get the dental care that they need. If you are concerned about a certain treatment or how you may feel, let us know so that we can incorporate sedation into your treatment plan.

Why do dentists give different opinions?

Dentists specialize just like medical doctors do.  Since there are several ways to treat each dental health challenge, you may get a different opinion from each dentist.  That doesn’t mean that one procedure is wrong, just that they have seen success with a particular one.  In our office, we want you to be informed and have options so we will present you with all of the ways that we can correct a dental problem, answer whatever questions you have, and let you select the one that works best for you and your lifestyle.

Can my teeth get straightened without braces?

Yes, there are cosmetic dentistry procedures that can transform your teeth without braces.  Veneers, for example, can be used to make teeth appear straight, close gaps in between teeth, and change their overall appearance.  In some cases, braces are still necessary but we can tell you how much can be accomplished with your smile during a consultation.  There are virtually no dental problems that cannot be solved in our office.

Will my veneer last for the rest of my life?

Veneers are designed to last for a decade or longer and the better oral health you are in, the more durable they will be.  When teeth and gums become infected, your veneers are put at risk.  This makes it important to stay in good oral health.  As a Santa Clara dentist, we cannot say exactly how long your veneers will last, but regular dental care will prolong their lifespan.

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