How an Emergency Dentist Can Help Your Family

Posted on: July 2, 2014

Emergency DentistYou never know when you will need an emergency dentist.  Just like a physical injury or a bad flu can create the need for a trip to the ER, a bad toothache or sporting accident may require a fast dental appointment.  When this occurs there is no time to waste in waiting for an appointment a week or two out – especially when it involves children.  Kids that are in pain are unwilling to wait to have that pain removed.  At Star Dental, we understand and offer same day appointments, as necessary.There are several reasons why you or your children may need to schedule an immediate dental exam, including:
  • Severe toothache.  It is common for people to get a toothache that simply won’t go away.  There are several reasons for this that include food getting stuck in between teeth, a cavity, or another type of oral infection.  The first step is to brush and floss your teeth to see if anything that is stuck can be removed. This will often help enough to prevent the need for an emergency appointment.  If not, come in right away so we can inspect the area and determine if an infection is to blame.  If there is a cavity or other infection present, we will treat it right away which will provide immediate pain relief and prevent the infection from spreading.  Pain is the body’s natural way of telling you that something is wrong and needs to be corrected.
  • Chipped tooth.  A tooth is made of strong enamel and minerals, but it is still easy for the tooth to become chipped.  Playing sports, accidentally bumping your mouth on something or a car wreck can all cause your tooth to chip.  This can be painful, especially if the root is exposed.  In this scenario, even air can cause pain.  Placing gauze around the tooth can help to stop the pain but restoring the tooth is ultimately necessary.  This can easily be done through the use of dental veneers or crowns.  We offer both at our emergency dentist office.
  • Cracked tooth.  When a tooth becomes severely cracked, it may need a dental crown to hold it together.  This is a far better alternative than pulling the tooth.  In order to prepare the tooth for a crown, the dentist will remove a portion of the enamel.  This is essential for making room since the crown surrounds a tooth like a cap.  After the tooth has been prepared, a temporary crown may be worn while a permanent one is created in the lab.
  • Tooth loss. If your tooth has been knocked out, try to find it.  You can rinse it and place it in milk then visit our emergency dentist office.  We may be able to save it.  If not we can provide you with an immediate denture to wear and discuss the various options for replacing the tooth like permanent dentures, a dental bridge, or implants.
If you or your family needs to see someone right away, call Star Dental, your local emergency dentist office.

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