Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for Your Gums

Posted on: April 17, 2015

Cosmetic Dentistry

We perform a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures that can improve the health of your teeth and gums.  As a cosmetic dentist office, we have spent years honing our skills in dentistry while being myopically focused on ensuring that you have the most beautiful teeth possible. This dedication to the appearance of the teeth has given some the idea that we do not care about the functionality or health of the teeth, which is not true. In fact, we have discovered that the two, appearance and health, are very much symbiotic. With that said, our scope has always been centered on the aesthetics that make an amazing smile.

In today’s fast pace world, as more people are becoming aware of the importance of a million dollar smile, cosmetic dentistry is being seen as more main stream. More people are aware of the procedures we do every day, to make smiles brighter. Come see a cosmetic dentist if you need to have teeth whitening, need to realign your teeth with braces, have to replace teeth with dentures, bridges, or dental implants, or have a broken tooth fixed with dental veneers or a dental crown. Aside from these, we also have an interest in healthy, good looking, gums which are also part of your smile.

As an esthetics specialist and cosmetic dentist, we are also concerned about your health. Many of the procedures that we do help you to be healthy and have a great smile. A gingivectomy is a perfect example of this. For patients who have a gum disease, periodontitis, this is a necessary procedure from both a medical and a cosmetic standpoint. When you have periodontitis, your gums can become separated from the teeth leading to the formation of deep pockets in the gums. These deep pockets can lead to a buildup of bacteria and increase the potential for an infection because it is extremely hard to clean the plaque out of these pockets. Removing them is the only option. To remove one of these pockets, our team will inject the gum tissue with a local anesthetic. This is to ensure that, as we are performing the procedure, you experience very little discomfort. Once the gums are numb enough to proceed, we will remove the loose, excess tissue from the gums. While we are doing this, we will also make sure to reshape the gums with gum contouring so that they do not lose their shape, which can sometimes happen when this procedure is performed. As a cosmetic dentist, once the procedure is complete, we will very often cover the gums with putty giving them enough time to heal and return to normal.

Gum contouring is one of those procedures that is often done in conjunction with another procedure, like a gingivectomy. However, some patients have gums that are too long or too short, often because of gum disease. Gums that are too long appear to cover the teeth, giving you a gummy and unattractive smile. Gums that are too short often make the teeth seem too long and have been known to leave the root exposed. A gum contouring can reshape and resize the gums. As a cosmetic dentist, we can perform this procedure and improve how your gums look and function.  To learn more, call and schedule a consultation.

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